Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Art Of Southwestern Landscaping

Southwestern landscaping is one of the most popular forms of landscaping designs for its characteristic of having easy and low maintenance. A person who does this kind of landscaping can financially saves more because it doesn't require or demand neither much of water consumption nor special effort of protecting them from the excruciating heat of the sun. Southwestern landscaping signifies ease and simplicity, yet the beauty and appreciation is impossible not to be recognized.

There are a number of plants that can be named when speaking about this form of landscaping, but the common denominator is their characteristic of being able to survive in a hot and dry atmosphere. One plant that is suitably perfect for this kind of garden landscape is a succulent. Succulents, also known as fat plants, are water-pertaining plants which can live in either hot or cold weather condition. Aloe, an example of succulent, has the ability to store water inside their leaves, stem and roots. This supply helps the plant survive whenever there is scarcity of water.

Cactus, which is very popular, is also one example that is suited for a Southwestern landscaping. Cacti have thick body that is developed during the course of evolution and form a water-retentive tissue and like succulents, this helps them survive in a hot and dry area.

Grasses, on the other hand, may look good in a Southwestern landscape. However, planting grasses is not highly recommended because they demand a lot of water to be maintained.

Having a low-maintenance profile, Southwestern landscaping only requires minimal amount of materials needed to develop and preserve it. You can use woods that don't need to look elegant nor expensive to match the type of plants designed for this type of garden landscape. Big, edgy, river rocks or craggy bricks can also be perfect addition to your design. There are also different garden planters which can fit your desired garden design.

Landscape owners also have the liberty of putting up canopies or tent to create a shaded area and a coffee or picnic table where family members can stay around, talk and laugh together on early mornings and late afternoons, while enjoying the view of green plants and the people passing by.

Bamboo and walls may also be added to your landscape and use them to hang ornaments or other decorative pieces. One of the more popular uses of bamboo are through bamboo fountains which are used in a lot of landscapes.

The art of Southwestern landscaping depends on the creativity of the garden owner. One must know how to mix and match the right materials, accessories and plants to make your garden interesting and attractive to the eyes of those who pass by your house.

Amy C. chooses to write about gardening and landscaping because it is her two passions, writing and landscaping. She refers to Paradise Valley Landscaping providers to get new insights about landscaping. To learn more about different landscaping techniques, please visit Amy's Landscaping Glendale blog.

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