Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Benefits Of An Executive Resume Service

Are you an executive who wants a better job at a better company? An executive resume service can be invaluable if you've decided to pursue your next dream job. As a busy executive, you might not be able to see what recruiters and employees are looking for as well as a professional resume writer. A professional resume writer has seen thousands of different resumes in many different industries. If you have decided to change jobs, it might be best for you to work on what you do best as a business professional, and let a resume writer help polish up your work history. Having a professional help you with your resume could spell the difference between staying at your current job and finally landing your dream job. Here are a few reasons why you should go with a professional resume writing service.

Have a Professional Polish Your Work History

You are clearer than anyone else when it comes to your work history, and sometimes you can get too caught up in what you think is important, rather than what an employer thinks is important. A professional resume writer can pick out what potential employers are looking for in each of your previous jobs. Hiring a professional writer to polish up your resume can do wonders, since they have read through thousands of resumes before and can write one that truly makes you stand out from the rest.

A professional resume writer can also spot what not to put in a resume. Often times what might seem harmless to you can be a red flag to many employers. Knowing what not to put can be as valuable as knowing what to put in a resume. You can avoid costly mistakes by investing in a good professional resume writer upfront. Investing in a resume writer can give you a high return on investment since they can save you not only money but time spent on landing interviews and eventually getting your dream job.

Get Your Resume To the Top of the Pile

Did you know that a recruiter spends an average of less than 10 seconds looking at a resume? If your resume stands out, your application is automatically shifted to the top of the pile. In a case where you are competing against dozens, or even hundreds of other applicants, a great resume can be what separates you from your dream job. In the current economy, having a competitive edge such as a resume writer can be just what you need to get the job that you both want and deserve.

Get Better Positions with Higher Salaries

Are you satisfied with your job right now? If you don't think you're currently growing within your job or if you think you'd grow more at another company, having a great resume can be the tipping point for getting that interview. While most executives can be great in interviews, they could often use the help of someone who deals exclusively with resumes and knows how to make executive resumes stand out. If you're an executive with not enough hours in the day, investing in an executive resume service can be one of the best investments that you'll ever make in advancing your career.

While conducting her own executive job search Elizabeth Shelton conducted research on executive resumes and executive resume services. To be competitive and land a job fast she recommends executive job seekers contact a resume professional. To get expert help and advice on your resume, she recommends one of the top executive resume writing services her research uncovered at

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